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Autonomous Mapping:


  • Presented a high-level navigation algorithm on a 2-wheeled robot with a LiDAR scanner using RTAB-Map and ROS. GitHub YouTube


  • Created a gazebo world with unique identifiers to prevent RTAB-Map loop closures.


  • Tuned the move_base path planner to determine safe points for waypoint navigation.


  • Successfully solved the autonomous mapping problem and avoided obstacles for an extended time.






Waypoint Tracking:


  •  Applied PID control to the turtlesim robot for waypoint tracking with the help of Python scripts in ROS. GitHub YouTube.










Balance Cart-pole system: 

  • Balanced the pole of a cart pole system in the gazebo simulator with an LQR controller. GitHub YouTube






Simulation Result from Rviz


Simulation Result turtlesim window


Simulation Result from gazebo


Autonomous Exploration Systems, ASU


  • Presented a supervisor agent that employs deep reinforcement learning to increase its speed on a multi-lane freeway, enhancing driver assistance systems. Report


  • Trained the RL agent with different reward structures in Python to observe the performance of the agent in the pygame window. GitHub  


  • Created MATLAB scripts to plot the variation in average speed. 

With hard braking optimized.gif

Simulation Result from pygame window

Reinforcement Learning for ADAS,  ASU

Simulation of Robust Adaptive Control Algorithms, ASU


  • Implemented the gradient and least square parameter estimation algorithms (PEA) to the provided plant models.


  • Designed indirect adaptive controllers for the estimated plant models to achieve pole placement and LQG control objectives and incorporated dead-zone modification to improve robustness.


Simulink Block Diagram


Plot of Output and Input


Plot of Estimated Parameters

Simulation of Robust Adaptive Control Algorithms, ASU


  • Proposed to stabilize an autonomous bike
    by implementing both a state feedback control and a
    sliding mode control for the steering angles of the bicycle. Report


  • Analyzed the stability of the vehicle with
    our designed controllers by performing simulations in
    Mathworks Simulink software. GitHub

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